Noble pen shell-Grande nacre (Pinna nobilis) of Méditerranée sea.
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2 imagesBanggai cardinalfish-Poisson cardinal de Banggai (Pterapogon kauderni), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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7 imagesBlackback butterflyfish-Poisson-papillon à dos noir (Chaetodon melannotus), Nusa Penida island, Bali, Indonesia.
14 imagesBlackblotched stingray-Raie pastenague noire (Taeniura meyeni), indian ocean, South Africa.
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9 imagesBlackspotted puffer-Poisson-ballon à taches noires (Arothron nigropunctatus), Nusa Penida island, Bali, Indonesia.
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3 imagesBlacktip reef shark- Requin à pointes noires (Carcharhinus melanopterus) Moorea, French Polynesia.
103 imagesBlacktip shark-Requin bordé (Carcharhinus limbatus) South Africa. The blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) belongs to the family of Carcharhinidae. He is present in three big oceans and in the Mediterranean Sea. He can live 12 years for a maximum size of 2,80m. One distinguish them by blackpoint on the pectoral, dorsal, pelvic fins and the caudal fin. The body is grey with reflections bronze and the white stomach. Shark viviparous animal (birth of the young already formed sharks), females can carry about ten youngs every two years. The blacktip shark is endangered by its intensive, commercial and sports peach. He is classified "almost threatened" by the Red List of the UICN.
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177 imagesBlue shark-Requin bleu (prionace glauca), Pico island, Azores Archipelago. The blue shark (Prionace glauca) named also blue skin is a pelagic shark, the only species of Prionace genre. The skin is bluish on the top, the stomach is white. The snout is long and disentangled. He can reach 3,00 to 3,50 meters of length for 180 kg weight and a longevity of about fifteen years. Present in all moderated and tropical oceans, he evolves between 400 meters deep and the surface. He is a big migrant which feeds on fishes, squids, cuttlefishes and the other sharks. His mode of reproduction is Viviparous animal, hundred youngs are born formed by a size of 40 cm in term of one year gestation. The young people reach the sexual maturity at about 4 or 5 years. He is a victim of drift nets, sports fishing, commercial fishing and shark finning. He is classified "Near threatened" by the red list of the UICN.
20 imagesBluespotted ribbontail ray-Raie pastenague à points bleus (Taeniura lymma) of Red Sea, Egypt.
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23 imagesBrown meagre fish-Corb commun (Sciaena umbra) of Méditerranée sea.
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3 imagesCoconut Octopus-Pieuvre veinée (Amphioctopus Marginatus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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3 imagesComber fish-Serran-chèvre (Serranus cabrilla) of Mediterranean sea.
3 imagesCommon dentex-Denté commun, denti (Dentex dentex) of mediterranean sea.
18 imagesCommon two banded seabream-Sar à tête noire (Diplodus vulgaris) of Méditerranée sea.
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5 imagesCortez Angelfish-Demoiselle de Cortez (Pomacanthus zonipectus), Cabo Pulmo, Sea of Cortez, Mexico.
2 imagesCrinoid cuttlefish-Seiche crinoïde (Sepia sp.), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Sulawesi, Indonesia
2 imagesDark-shouldered snake eel - Anguille-serpent à tête noire (Ophichthus cephalozona), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
7 imagesDog snapper - Vivaneau dents de chien (Lutjanus jocu) and Giant slit pore sea rod - Gorgone arborescente (Plexaurella nutans), Cozumel, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico.
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105 imagesDusky Grouper-Mérou brun (Epinephelus marginatus) of Mediterranean sea.
7 imagesEast Atlantic peacock wrasse-Crénilabre paon (Symphodus tinca) of mediterranean sea.
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34 imagesEmperor angelfish-Poisson ange empereur (Pomacanthus imperator)
2 imagesEmperor shrimp-Crevette impériale (Periclimenes imperator), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
1 imageFat sea pen-Plume de mer (Pteroeides.sp), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
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3 imagesFlamboyant Cuttlefish-seiche flamboyante (Metasepia pfefferi), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
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43 imagesGiant oceanic manta ray-Raie manta océanique (Manta birostris), Nusa Penida island, Bali, Indonesia.
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1 imageGolden Cuttlefish-Seiche dorée (Sepia esculenta), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
1 imageGolden damselfish Demoiselle dorée (Amblyglyphidodon aureus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
3 imagesGolden trevally-Carangue dorée (Gnathanodon speciosus), Cabo Pulmo, Sea of Cortez, Mexico.
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4 imagesGorgonocephalidae-Gorgonocéphale (Astrospartus mediterraneus) of mediterranean sea.
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14 imagesGreen sea turtle-Tortue verte (Chelonia mydas), Nusa Penida island, Bali, Indonesia.
2 imagesGreyface moray-Murène à oeil blanc (Gymnothorax thyrsoideus)
5 imagesGrey reef shark-Requin gris (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) French Polynesia.
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2 imagesguineafowl puffer-tétrodon moucheté (Arothron meleagris), indian ocean, South Africa.
5 imagesHairy frogfish-Poisson grenouille strié (Antennarius striatus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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38 imagesHawksbill sea turtle-Tortue imbriquée (Eretmochelys imbricata)
40 imagesHumpback whale-Baleine à bosse (Megaptera novaeangliae), Magdalena bay, Sea of Cortez, Mexico.
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1 imageIndian Ocean oriental sweetlips-Gaterin rayé (Plectorhinchus vittatus)
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5 imagesLemon shark-Requin citron (Negaprion brevirostris) Moorea, French Polynesia.
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3 imagesLesser guitarfish-Raie guitare du Cap (Rhinobatos annulatus), indian ocean, South Africa.
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1 imageLongarm octopus (Macrotritopus defilippi), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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1 imageMagnificent anemone shrimp(Periclimenes magnificus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
4 imagesMandarinfish-Poisson mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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6 imagesMauve stinger jellyfish-Méduse (Pelagia noctiluca) of mediterranean sea.
2 imagesMediterranean fanworm-Spirographe (Sabella spallanzanii) of Mediterranean sea.
5 imagesMediterranean moray eel-Murène commune (Muraena helena)
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2 imagesMimic octopus-Pieuvre mimétique (Thaumoctopus mimicus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
39 imagesOceanic whitetip shark-Requin océanique (Carcharhinus longimanus) Egypt, Red Sea.
18 imagesOcean sunfish-Poisson lune (Mola mola), Nusa Penida island, Bali, Indonesia.
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1 imageOrang-utan crab (Achaeus japonicus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
4 imagesOrnate ghost pipefish-Poisson fantôme arlequin (Solenostomus paradoxus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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7 imagesPainted comber - Serran écriture (Serranus scriba), Mediterranean sea.
7 imagesPainted frogfish-Poisson grenouille peint (Antennarius pictus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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3 imagesPasser Angelfish-Poisson Ange à barre blanche (holacanthus passer)
4 imagesPeacock flounder-Turbot tropical (Bothus mancus), Nusa Penida island, Bali, Indonesia.
4 imagesPeacock mantis shrimp-Squille multicolore (Odontodactylus scyllarus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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2 imagesPink-eared Mantis Shrimp (Odontodactylus latirostris), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
6 imagesPink skunk clownfish-Poisson clown à collier (Amphiprion perideraion)
6 imagesPotato bass fish- Mérou patate (Epinephelus tukula), South Africa.
6 imagesPygmy seahorse-Hippocampe pygmée (Hippocampus bargibanti), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
7 imagesQueen angelfish - Poisson ange royal (Holacanthus ciliaris)
35 imagesRay Mobula - Raie Mobula (Mobula mobular) Pico Island, Azores Archipelago.
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1 imageRed seasquirt-Ascidie rouge (Halocynthia papillosa), of mediterranean sea.
1 imageRed urchin-Oursin rouge (Astropyga radiata), Lembeh strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
7 imagesRibboned sweetlips-Gaterin à rubans (Plectorhinchus polytaenia)
3 imagesRibbon eel-Murène ruban (Rhinomuraena quaesita), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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1 imageRobust ghost pipefish-Poisson fantôme robuste (Solenostomus cyanopterus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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40 imagesSand tiger shark - Requin taureau (Carcharias taurus) South Africa. The Sand tiger shark or Spotted ragged-tooth shark (Carcharias taurus) belongs to the family of «Odontaspididae». He is present in three big oceans, Red Sea and in the Mediterranean Sea. He can live more than 20 years for a maximum size of 2,80m, sometimes more of 3m. We distinguish him by a massive and lengthened body, the sides are grey-brown and the white stomach. His snout and of conical shape. He has two wide dorsal fins with almost equal size. His mouth is furnished with three rows of functional teeth disentangled in the shape of canine. Wide spots can cover the whole body and disappear when it reaches its sexual maturity. He possesses the peculiarity than to gulp down of the on-surface air to compensate its buoyancy because he has no swim bladder. The shark-bull is an ovoviviparous species. One of its peculiarities is also called intra-uterine cannibalism «oophagie». The gestation is of 9 months for one small only one.The Sand tiger shark is put in danger by its intensive, commercial and sports fishing. He is classified "Vulnerable" by the red list of the UICN.
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19 imagesSeagrass-Posidonie (Posidonia oceanica) of Mediterranean sea.
96 imagesSea lion-Otaries (Otariidae), Los Islotes island, La Paz, Sea of Cortez, Mexico.
29 imagesSemicircle angelfish-Poisson ange à demi-cercles (Holacanthus semicirculatus)
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1 imageShrimp of deman (Synalpheus demani), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
6 imagesSilvertip shark - Requin pointe blanche (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia.
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3 imagesSnubnose grouper-Mérou Tapis (Epinephelus macrospilos), indian ocean, South Africa.
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2 imagesSponge Spider Crab (Oncinopus Sp), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
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8 imagesSpotted eagle ray-Raie léopard (Aetobatus narinari), Nusa Penida, Bali , Indonesia.
2 imagesSpotted porcelain crab-Crabe porcelaine (Neopetrolisthes maculatus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
1 imageSquat shrimp (Thor amboinensis), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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2 imagesStar puffer juvenile-Poisson ballon étoilé (Arothron stellatus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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2 imagesStriped Catfish-Poisson chat rayé (Plotosus lineatus), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
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48 imagesStriped marlin-Marlin rayé (Kajikia audax) hunting school of fish, near to Magdalena bay, Pacific coast. He is a species of marlin found in tropical to temperate Indo-Pacific oceans not far from the surface. Epipelagic and oceanic species, usually found above the thermocline, but unlike species it ventures more readily into higher latitudes, tolerating temperate waters. The species is strongly oceanic, rarely entering coastal waters, and is most often seen near islands, seamounts and boundary currents where it feeds and breeds.The striped marlin is a predator that hunts during the day in the top 100 m or so of the water column, often near the surface. One of their chief prey is sardines but also wide variety of fishes like mackerel, crustaceans, and squids. The Striped Marlin consists of 42-48 rays on its tall first dorsal fin that is almost the same or longer than its body depth while the second dorsal fin is much smaller. They have torpedo-like and compressed bodies. They have around 10-20 clear, visible bluish stripes on the sides of their bodies even after death. Stripes consist of cobalt blue dots or narrow bands. First dorsal fin dark blue, other fins usually brown.The color of their bodies is dark blue or black above and silvery-white on the bottom. Striped Marlin has an average length of 2.9 m and a maximum length of 4.2 m and can weight up to 220 kg. Striped Marlin reached sexual maturity at an age of one or two years or 1.4 m for males and two or three years or 1.8 m for females. They can live up to at least 10 year. About reproduction Eggs is approximately one mm in diameter, but exact size not known. Mainly targeted via surface longlines in the commercial fishery. The species is also a popular recreational target. Recent stock assessments indicate a declining Pacific stocks, with commercial catch rates falling and the average size of fish captured decreasing. IUCN Red List Status for this fish is Near Threatened (NT).
2 imagesThornback cowfish-Poisson vache à épine dorsale (Lactoria fornasini), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
2 imagesThorny seahorse-Hippocampe épineux (Hippocampus histrix), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
3 imagesThreespot angelfish-Poisson ange à trois taches (Pomacanthus trimaculatus), indian ocean, South Africa.
3 imagesTitan triggerfish-Baliste titan (Balistoides viridescens), Nusa Penida island, Bali, Indonesia.
3 imagesTwo line monocle bream-Happeur à deux lignes (Scolopsis bilineata)
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93 imagesWhale shark - Requin baleine (Rhincodon typus), Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) belongs to the family of Rhincodontidae. It is the biggest present cartilaginous fish on the planet. He arranges a massive body from 3 to 15 meters length for 2 to 12 tons weight (some of them can reach 20 meters for 34 tons). The livery of this fish in checkerboards is very characteristic. The stomach and the bottom of fins is white. His mouth, being able to reach two meters in width is equipped with tiny teeth distributed on 300 rows by jaw. Five pairs of branchiales cracks filter the water to assure its breath. This shark raises two dorsal ailerons and its tail fin is said " hétérocerque ", the upper lobe is more big than the lower lobe. His geographical distribution includes waters tropical and moderated in hot of the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. It is a pelagic species living in the wide in very deep water. However they sometimes group together in shallow water by the hundreds. They migrate on long distances probably for the plankton and changes in water temperature. The shark-whale feeds on small-sized preys as the plankton, the krill, but also seaweeds, small shellfish and small squids. They filter their food by swimming slowly gaping mouth. Only four species of sharks filter their food, the shark-whale, the megamouth shark, the basking shark and the manta ray. The mode of reproduction of whale shark is still mysterious. The scientists are not able of defining if the animal is viviparous animal, oviparous or ovoviviparous, although the last mode is favored. The young shark are born formed and measure approximately 45 cms, and it reaches sexual maturity between 20 and 30 years. Because of his slow cycle of reproduction the shark-whale is threatened by overfishing for his flesh and his fins (the shark finning). He is classified "Vulnerable" by the red list of the UICN.
1 imageWhip Coral Shrimp-Crevette à dos lisse (Pontonides unciger), Molucca Sea, Lembeh, Indonesia.
2 imagesWhite-spotted boxfish-Poisson coffre pintade (Ostracion meleagris)
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2 imagesWhite spotted pufferfish-Tétrodon moucheté (Arothron meleagris)
14 imagesYellowbanded sweetlips-gaterin à bandes jaunes (Plectorhinchus lineatus).
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1 imageYellow clathrina- Clathrine jaune (Clathrina clathrus), of mediterranean sea.
4 imagesYellow encrusting anemone-Anémone encroûtante jaune (Parazoanthus axinellae) of mediterranean sea.
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5 imagesYellowtail snapper-Vivaneau queue jaune (Ocyurus chrysurus)
3 imagesYellowtail surgeonfish-Chirurgien à queue jaune (Prionurus punctatus)